Grand Union Canal: What our customers say
- Grand Union Canal
- Grand Union Canal moderate paced Birmingham to Kew 11 days
- Grand Union Canal moderate paced Birmingham to Stony Stratford 7 days
- Grand Union Canal moderate paced Stony Stratford to Kew 6 days
- Grand Union Canal standard paced Birmingham to Kew 17 days
- Grand Union Canal standard paced Birmingham to Stony Stratford 10 days
- Grand Union Canal standard paced Stony Stratford to Kew 9 days
- Grand Union Canal: What our customers say
Grand Union Canal Walking Holiday in The Midlands and Southern England
What our customers say
This is 147 miles along the United Kingdom’s longest canal from Birmingham to The Thames at Kew.
This is one of our Canal Walking Holidays and also one of our Southern England Walking Holidays.

What our customers say about our Great Union Canal Walking Holiday
The accommodations averaged 8 out of 10.
What did you think of the booking and enquiry process ? ” It works well”.
What did you think of the transportation/Luggage transfer facilities ? “They were good, luggage always there”. The route was “as expected”.
Stephens Party UK , Grand Union Canal August 2021
Please contact us if you have any questions.
Our telephone Lines are open 7 days a week.
UK +44 (0)1837 880075
or +44 (0)207 193 1252
March to September 9am to 9pm
October to February 9am to 5pm
US +1 (646) 233-1541
New York 5 hours behind UK time:
March to September 4am to 4pm EST
October to February 4am to 12noon EST
AUS +61 (02) 8006 0182
Sydney 10 hours ahead of UK time:
March to September 7pm to 7am EADT
October to February 7pm to 3am EADT
CAN +1 (647) 4786251
Toronto 5 hours behind UK time:
March to September 4am to 4pm EST
October to February 4am to 12noon EST
Our canal walking holidays in the UK include Grand Union Canal Towpath, Great Glen Way, John Muir Way, Kennet and Avon Canal Towpath, Leeds and Liverpool Canal Towpath and Oxford Canal Towpath.
This is one of our categories of walking holidays.